London Comic Con

It was London Comic Con time again but this time my son, Charlie and I wanted to make something to take with us and we've been using the 3d printer quite a bit this past week to prepare. Charlie's build was of course a lightsaber and I admired his focus on his build as it comprised of many part that when assembled and painted looked stunning.

My build was also Star Wars based but I opted to design and build a simple droid, opting for the L0-LA59 (or Lola for short) that featured in the recent Kenobi series.

These large comic cons are an experience to say the least, if not exhausting but we got to meet some really interesting people. My favourite had to be Dumbledor with his robotic phoenix, which I thought was very clever.

I also got to chat with game designers and authors of Choose Your Own Adventure books, something I've been a fan of for years as well as other Star Wars prop designers and it was nice listening to their preparation and build process.

I also got to meet Lola herself as the droid was being feature on the Hasbro start. This was interesting as I wanted animate my droid in some way but built mine too small, plus I ran out of time. It was great chatting with them about how I made mine and to play with their Lola droid, that I'm now tempted to get on the Christmas list.

There was also quite a large retro gaming presence at the event too and so we found ourselves entering a gaming tournament before heading home. With our final Tetris score, we come fourth over all. 


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