Telephonic Rabbit Holes
I was invited to chair a panel, as well as talk at an event in Bristol last week. The event in question was DSET, a three day series of talks by military and other armed forces from around the world on the topic of simulation and research development.
I was there as someone from outside the military world, talking about one of my projects and making the point that in most cases you don't have to reinvent when it comes to technology, most of the time you can reuse.
The video below is a quick summary of my Telephonic Rabbit Holes talk.
I spoke about hacking payphones and creating the telephone network that I've been working on over the past year and a bit. The part I found most enjoyable was once I had explained about the set up, I went on to explore the alternative uses to calling large groups of public payphone numbers. Uses ranging from helping to raise awareness of mental health causes, to adopting it as an early warning/information service, allowing people to get comms out to people and communities in isolated places around the country.
There have been a couple of people who have reached out to me as a result of this talk and I'm looking forward very much to exploring this project's potential.
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