I am a little late to the party but I have only recently discovered that one of my tutorials written three years ago was featured on the Adafruit blog. Whether it was a human or an automated algorithm that posted it, I am just so pleased that someone or something thought it worthy to be posted despite the photographs being blurry, the writing is terrible (even now I'm still not confident with my writing, hence this blog to help practice) and a somewhat illegal activity of interfering with local FM transmissions (see small print below). It all backs up my advice to people, that you don't have to make a project that is perfectly polished, you just have to crack on and make it, for people will see through all the roughness and home in on your idea. It also got feature over on the Instructables site too.

I wrote the Instructables tutorial as I wanted the practice writing detailed steps for my projects, as most view the production of documentation as a chore, it's a necessity in most cases as it helps others understand your work and processes. If you have a Raspberry Pi Zero just gathering dust, check out the tutorial or click on the video below and you too can have a secretive number station broadcasting codes in next to no time.

My favourite Raspberry Pi radio project of all has to be this one that Make featured a number of years ago. For someone just starting out and struggling with the Raspberry Pi, I remember seeing this video and instantly having a deep appreciation for writing projects that are designed to include everybody, no matter their skill level. This has stuck with me ever since and I've visited this project many times. If you have an early model of the Raspberry Pi, then you should check out the video. There is also a really helpful Instructables tutorial that I've visited many times in the past, it has a really useful complete image of the project and talks you through flashing it to your Pi's SD card.

Since submitting this tutorial I have gone on to build and experiment with many other number station and pirate radio projects featuring the BBC Microbit as well as the Raspberry Pi.

Small print:

My radio projects are purely intended for educational purposes and are not to be used to break any local laws regarding the interference of local FM frequencies. Please use these projects sensibly.


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