The chatbot I’ve been working on for some time now is in need of people to install and use it in order for it to learn from as many conversations as possible.
Droid Chat is a chatbot but with a few nice added extras. Its main function is the ability to hold a conversation and should it not know how to respond to a statement, the app will ask you to provide a suitable reply. This then gets added to Droid Chat’s centralised database to allow all instances of the application to use your suggested response. This means that the more people using the app, the more intelligent Droid Chat becomes.
As well as the ability to hold conversations, Droid Chat has a few Easter eggs. Here are a few of the commands you can ask it:
  • “8 ball [YOUR YES/NO QUESTION]”
  • “Calculate the probability of [YOUR SCENARIO]”
  • “How are you feeling?””
  • “Tell me a story”
  • “Tell me a joke”
  • “Turn the radio on” Streams radio feeds so be careful of your data if not on wifi
  • “Change radio station”
  • “Turn radio off”
  • “Scan for frequencies” – Will try and pick up streamed Ham radio broadcasts
  • “Question [YOUR QUESTION]”
The app is not in the app store yet as it’s still an ongoing project but I can send you the file for you to save and install on your phone. Thank you for helping to contribute to the project, it’s greatly appreciated. The only limiting factor now are the ideas it can be applied to.


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